Friday, August 21, 2009

Morris Family Vacation Part I

First, lets just say this was a much needed vacation for us and a long time coming. James and I took the kids to San Diego for the first time and had the time of our lives. We packed the kids up on Thursday and headed on out. There wasn't really a whole lot planned for us but I did find us a deal for tickets to go the Legoland and the Sea Life Aquarium which is in Carlsbad, CA. The drive to San Diego went better then expected as both the munchkins slept the first three hours. The last two hours of the drive went smooth thanks to the DVD player. When we arrived I realized that we still had about three hours until check in time at our hotel so James diverted us to Seaport Village so the kids and us could get out and stretch and play the tourist scene. It was so beautiful outside and Aly and Brock especially loved seeing the ocean.
On Friday we made our way to Carslbad, CA and treated ourselves to almost 8 hours of legoland fun. It was such a neat experience and one we hope to enjoy again some day especially when Alyvia gets a little bigger. Brock was able to go on most rides while Alyvia was only able to go on about three. But it was so amazing to see all sorts of different animals, cars, towns, and even movie characters all made out of legos! We did so much there that I won't go into detail about but here are a few pictures to outline our day.
Part of the Las Vegas Strip made out of legos

Sleeping Beauty and her prince

Brock's first roller coaster ride

Daddy and Brock on a water ride

Alyvia cheering the boys on

The boys in another ride

Brock with a lego character

A lego buffalo

Darth Vader Lego man

Good-Bye LegoLand

Alyvia being silly at the end of our day

That was part I of our vacation but as I do not want to bore anyone I will write the rest at a later date.

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