Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Alyvia's no clothes policy!

I think just about every baby goes through this stage, if not then mine are just plain silly. When Brock was little he had a fascination about taking his clothes off. For some reason he just did not feel the need to have to wear them. James and I thought it was cute of course but then it gets old because we were having to constantly redress him. Anyways the point of this whole story is that little miss Alyvia is starting to do this. She thinks it is so cute to just take off her clothes. Now it has gotten to the point where sometimes when I dress her in the morning or even put her pajamas on at night she will throw a fit about having to wear clothing. I know it is a stage and she will grow out of it, Brock did thankfully sooner then later.

I did catch her in the act a few days ago and luckily my camera was near by so I took a few shots. She is truly happy when she gets those pants off. It must just be that feeling of no restrictions or something.

Awww the joys of being a child!!!

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