Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Birthday James!

Yesterday was James' 27th Birthday. Luckily he is nothing like and me and does not get all stressed out about getting older. We really didn't plan a whole lot but on Monday or sometime around then, I did invite most of our Vegas family over for ice cream cake and I made James a huge dinner. I ended up making him T-bone steaks and asparagus with mashed potatoes and a salad. Oh my was is good! I think I truly spoiled him because he was one happy man!

A little bit later on after dinner family started showing up. It was so nice to have everyone get together even for such a short amount of time. From his side of the family his mom, dad, brother, sister, and nephews came over and then on my side my mom, chad, and grandparents showed up along with our neighbors. I think we had about 6 kids total at the house and a bunch of adults. We all sang Happy Birthday which you could tell made him blush and then we had cake and just sat around and talked. It was the perfect ending to the day. While the adults conversed inside the kids ran wild outside.

Afterwards we cleaned up and put the kids to bed and just relaxed for a couple hours by ourselves. It was nice and peaceful. This will have been James and mine 6th birthday celebrations together. How the times go by so fast!

James, I love you and hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!!

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