Thursday, September 1, 2011

James 29th Birthday

Happy Birthday my love! This year James turned the big 29! We celebrated his last year in his twenties with my parents. Nothing to crazy but a nice dinner some cake and ice cream and of course a good fight on T.V.

The older we seem to get the less excited we are about our own birthdays. I try every year to do some thing for him just to make it memorable. This year I told James we had to stop by my moms so she could give him her present and then we were to head home so I could cok him a nice dinner, lucky for us he thought nothing of us making the extra trip there since she was mostly bedridden due to a broken rib. As soon as he walked in my mom yelled (literally) "SURPRISE!" and informed him that she was ordering the fight on tv to watch and that we got him a birthday cake and for dinner we were having one of his favorites, Philly cheese from Capriottis. Needless to say he was super happy!
Next year I will definitely be sprucing it up a bit for the big 30, but this year we enjoyed our nice quite night with family! Happy Birthday Honey!

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