Thursday, September 1, 2011

1st Grade

The summer has come to an end for Brock and he has started school again, only this time he is no longer the youngest of the school and in his own area where they are protected of the older kids. This time he is a 1st grader who gets to play on the big playground with ALL the other kids. It's a proud moment for James and I but an extremely emotional one. We met his teacher who has only ever taught 5th graders so this should be an interesting year for her. She seems nice and Brock really liked her so we will see. Our expectations are just set so high because he had the most wonderful kindergarten teacher any parent or child could ask for. She really ruined us for all other teachers to come and we truly wish she would move up a grade every year.

So, the first day of school was definitely chaotic but he loved every second of it. Of course he was up before anyone else in the house and ready to go to school almost an hour before it was time to leave. Before we left the house we took some pictures and then loaded up the truck and headed out. You seriously need to get to school 30 minutes early just to get a parking spot.

Once we got their we found his dot where he is to line up every day and then he started to see alot of friends with their families. He wouldn't admit it but you could sense he was nervous. The bell finally rang and after we each hugged and kissed him a million times he lined up with his class and headed inside.

So far everything has gone smoothly and he still likes his teacher and class. He's already learning so much and growing as a young boy. I just can't get over how fast they grow and I'm trying my hardest to just every second of his because before I know it he will be in junior high, then high school, and then leaving the nest!


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