Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our first week as a family of 5!

Well, my recovery is actually going great so far. I am already up and about and feeling pretty normal. I'm sure by the end of the week I'll regret it and be back to taking it easy. Grant has already grown so much. When we left the hospital on Thursday he had lost 10% of his birth weight and was 5lbs 13oz, by his 1 week check up he was 6lbs 11oz and 19.5 inches! Apparently I'm doing something right with his feedings! He's a great sleeper during the day but at night its hit or miss on whether he will be up for a few hours straight or not. His usual time for being wide awake is between 2am and 5am. I don't mind it so much since I had such a hard time sleeping during the last few weeks of my pregnancy.

Brock and Alyvia are still doing great with Grant. They are always wanting to hold him, give him his pacifier even change him. They both wish I wasn't nursing because they can't help feed him. When ever Grant cries one of them will always come see whats wrong.

James has been nothing short of fabulous! He was able to get time off work and doesn't have to go back until August 1st. He has been so great with diaper duty in the middle of the night and taking Grant down stairs in the morning to let me get another hour of sleep. He's also been making sure Brock and Alyvia are entertained and not feeling left out of anything. I can't imagine not having him around and I'm already dreading him going back to work.

It's already been a week and it seems like if we let it time is just slipping past us. I really am hoping we can just sit back and enjoy these next twelve months because before we know it everyone is going to be a year older.

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