Sunday, May 8, 2011

6 years old?

Do I really have a 6 year old already? Where on earth has all the time gone?

It's hard to believe that Brock has turned 6! He has been counting down the days for what seems like forever and I have been silently praying that these final weeks would go by slowly. Well, that didn't happened and he was extremely happy about that.

It's a little weird to me to say I have a 6 year old son, I don't think I'm old enough for that! Also, to realize that he is just getting closer and closer to double digits now! He is already talking about how old he needs to be to have a cell phone, play out side alone, get his license, and or even date! To me he is just crazy wanting to grow up so fast but I know that's what all kids dream about. I just want my baby to stay young for a while longer!

Happy 6th Birthday Brock! Mommy loves you!

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