Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's a boy

I have to say that I was 100% convinced that we were having a little girl, so when the ultrasound tech at our 4D ultrasound appointment said boy I was in shock! When we first found out we were having another baby, both James and I wanted a boy but at about 8 weeks I was convinced I was having a girl. Call it mothers intuition but nothing could convinced me otherwise, we were having a girl and that was that!
Well, that ultrasound sure did convince me otherwise. It took a little bit for the tech to get baby to open his legs but when he finally did it was obvious we were having a boy! Alyvia and my mom were also with us and they were both excited. James and I started crying and just stared in awe at our little boy. It is such an amazing experience watching your child in the womb and it just gets me so emotional. We've seen him now at 8 weeks. 12 weeks and 15 weeks. I love being able to watch him grow and we get to go again hopefully at 18 weeks with my OB.
That afternoon we picked up Brock from school and shared the news that he was going to have a little brother and his reaction was priceless. He started jumping up and down yelling "YES!". All of us couldn't be more excited. Now I just can't wait to be able to hold our son in our arms in about 5 months.
Profile of our little boy :)
Baby boys little finger!
Little boy yawning
Another profile
It's a boy!

His tiny little foot with 5 toes!

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