Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Every year Valentines Day falls on a day the James has to work. This year was no exception so we didn't celebrate it. But Brock's class celebrated the day calling it "Friendship Day" so we had a lot of fun with him at school. First was lunch. We got to bring lunch for us and Brock and join him during lunch time. Alyvia was with us and all of Brock's friends just adore her so she was talking to everyone.

After lunch we headed home for a few hours and then I dropped off Alyvia with James' mom while James and I headed back to school. Brock's class was having a friendship party so we volunteered and were in charge of the pin the heart on the heart! It was a lot of fun and we both always enjoy interacting with the kids. There were other games that the kids all rotated to which was hot potato, cookie decorating, and two arts and crafts tables. Before the bell rang all the kids got cupcakes, brownies, and juice boxes. And then earlier in the day everyone passed out their valentines cards which majority had candy attached so Brock was just full on sugar!

When we picked up Aly he was nice enough to share all his goodies! They need to eat nothing but vegetables for the next week now!

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