Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1st Trimester down 2 more to go

Well I am now 14 weeks pregnant and getting that much closer to finding out the sex of the baby!!! I can't wait to know if we are having a boy or girl, but my gut instinct says girl. We should hopefully find out in the next week or two since we are going to go to a 4D ultrasound but that is only if the baby is cooperating! :)

So far this pregnancy has been exhausting! I do not remember the last time I was always this tired. I did not have a lot of morning sickness but I was nauseous for a good 10 weeks. The weight gain hasn't been to bad but I had hoped to be more active at the gym and that just isn't working out for me. Beyond all that everything else has been smooth sailing.

Both kids are really excited about the baby but are arguing on if its a boy or girl. Obviously Brock wants a baby brother and Aly wants a baby sister. I have had two ultrasounds so far and thankfully there is only ONE baby in their. So one of them will be a little disappointed but I'm sure they will cope LOL. Here's the latest pictures of the growing belly and baby.
4 weeks
6 weeks

8 weeks 2 days

8 weeks

10 weeks

12 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks!

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