Well I am now 14 weeks pregnant and getting that much closer to finding out the sex of the baby!!! I can't wait to know if we are having a boy or girl, but my gut instinct says girl. We should hopefully find out in the next week or two since we are going to go to a 4D ultrasound but that is only if the baby is cooperating! :)
So far this pregnancy has been exhausting! I do not remember the last time I was always this tired. I did not have a lot of morning sickness but I was nauseous for a good 10 weeks. The weight gain hasn't been to bad but I had hoped to be more active at the gym and that just isn't working out for me. Beyond all that everything else has been smooth sailing.
Both kids are really excited about the baby but are arguing on if its a boy or girl. Obviously Brock wants a baby brother and Aly wants a baby sister. I have had two ultrasounds so far and thankfully there is only ONE baby in their. So one of them will be a little disappointed but I'm sure they will cope LOL. Here's the latest pictures of the growing belly and baby.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Trampoline Fun
The trampoline is by far the best investment James and I have made! It was worth the long lines and freezing cold on Black Friday. It is also one of the best workouts, my legs are rubbery once I get down. I also love how it gets us all out of the house, if we don't want to go anywhere for the day the four of us could literally spend an entire afternoon in the backyard jumping!
Since Christmas the kids have jumped just about everyday, weather permitting. Alyvia at first was terrified but after about a week James took her out back with just the two of them and let her jump with out anyone else and she fell in love with it. Now she is addicted and always wants to go outside to jump.
Brock has never had a fear and is now trying to master the front flip and to see also how high he can jump. He's usually not my daredevil but with this he is fearless.

Since Christmas the kids have jumped just about everyday, weather permitting. Alyvia at first was terrified but after about a week James took her out back with just the two of them and let her jump with out anyone else and she fell in love with it. Now she is addicted and always wants to go outside to jump.
Brock has never had a fear and is now trying to master the front flip and to see also how high he can jump. He's usually not my daredevil but with this he is fearless.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas Day
Christmas morning was so much fun. For the past few years my mom and chad and James mom come over in the morning to watch the kids open presents. This year they all came and so did my Nana which Aly just loved. Those two are just so attached to each other.
Alyvia was just in awe when she came down the stairs. It was so cute to see her face just light up. Brock on the other hand was super excited and went straight to the presents to scope them out. I think it took less then an hour for them to tear into everything.
I didn't take any pictures of myself but I got a few in of James. One thing he particularly asked for was glasses. Its a certain brand but I can't remember what, but he was so excited to finally be able to wear them. I think he made out really well this year and got just about everything he asked for. A couple new hats, his glasses, new pair of jeans, some gift cards, a safe, and a board thingy for the garage to help him organize his tools. He was a very happy daddy this Christmas year!
Brock made out this year. He got a DS lite, some gift cards to Toys R Us, clothes, games, remote control cars, race track, huge bakugan, and a trampoline. I'm sure there is more but I can't remember it all. He absolutely loves his DS and trampoline the most.
Now Alyvia is such a different character then her brother. Everything she got was girly. She got a table set with a tea party set, a doll house, barbies, more babies, clothes, a barbie bike and more. Every day she makes us all play tea party with her! Daddy is her favorite to play with and her doll house is packed with all her dolls and barbies. She is such a girly girl!
This is our newest addition to our back yard. Brock is in love with the trampoline and Alyvia won't go in it unless no ones is with her.
For Christmas I got lots of pictures frames! I was so excited and I also received gift cards which I am so excited to go clothes shopping when my tummy gets bigger. A jewelry box, ear plugs for my phone, and a new necklace chain were some of the other things I got. I was so excited to get just about everything I wanted!
For Christmas I got lots of pictures frames! I was so excited and I also received gift cards which I am so excited to go clothes shopping when my tummy gets bigger. A jewelry box, ear plugs for my phone, and a new necklace chain were some of the other things I got. I was so excited to get just about everything I wanted!
The rest of the day was kind of busy. After the presents were all opened we had a small breakfast and then headed to Chad's parents house for more gift exchanges and lunch. By the time we got home (4pm) I was exhausted and not feeling that great. We were hosting dinner at our house for James' side of the family and my parents but I ended up stairs all night sick. Everyone else had a great dinner and the kids played all night with all there new toys. This Christmas we were all truly blessed and I feel so lucky to have been able to have spent the day with my family. Next year will be even better.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve was spent at James' Nanas house like it is every year. This year particularly was really nice because we arrived early enough to get to see everyone who came. I didn't take a lot of pictures this year but we were so busy keeping up with miss Aly that I didn't have all that much time.

I have the most social child ever. She usually will just jump right in and go talk to anyone who will listen. Well, when we showed up at Great Nana's house she was completely attached to me for a good 20 minutes. It was actually really nice to be able to just sit around and have everyone come talk to me for a few. After that Aly was everywhere.
One of my highlights of the night was seeing baby Emily. She is seriously the cutest little baby girl ever. Cousin Emily has the biggest blue eyes and at 9 months is already walking. Oh how I could just take her home with me she is truly such a gem!
Before we left I made sure to get a family photo in since I know I won't get another one in the next few days. Of course Aly doesn't pay attention to the camera and Brock looks at someone over to the left but James and I look great! Now we are off to wrap some last minute gifts and then get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a very long but wondrous day!
I have the most social child ever. She usually will just jump right in and go talk to anyone who will listen. Well, when we showed up at Great Nana's house she was completely attached to me for a good 20 minutes. It was actually really nice to be able to just sit around and have everyone come talk to me for a few. After that Aly was everywhere.
Another favorite picture of mine is that of Great Nana with two of her great granddaughters. Now Nana is a very small woman so when these two girls got on her lap I was sure they would crush her. Nana was just beaming with pride at them and assured me they were ok. It was so precious to see how much they love there Nana.
Merry Christmas!!
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