James and I took the kids to this years Aviation Nation (airshow). We haven't been to one in a few years so I think it was easy to say we were all excited.
As soon as you get off the buses on the Air force Base the first thing you see is this huge plane that you get to walk through. Brock and Alyvia were in awe over this thing. In case you haven't realized I have no clue what the names are of the planes. To me they're just big or fast!

There were several men (or woman) that jumped out of the planes. Brock kept saying they were going to fall and get super hurt but thankfully they all landed safely.

James had probably more fun then the kids did I think. LOL

One of the planes that the kids thought were neat. I'm sure it has a special name but I haven't a clue. Aly kept saying she wants to fly one. Who knows maybe we have a future pilot in out family.

I couldn't resist this picture. Both the kids were beyond fascinated with the porta potties because it had hand sanitizer in them. So if anyone had to use the restroom both kids had to go in for their hand sanitizer.

One of those rare moments that Aly take a cute picture. I love her face in this one!

We made a stop at the coast guards helicopter and this guy let the kids climb in the basket and he actually sat down with them and explained what they do. Brock asked a million questions and thankfully the guy was super nice and answered all of them.
Finally the much anticipated thunderbirds. Alyvia has to much energy to pay attention to one thing for a long period of time but she was loving these planes.

When ever one of more of the thunderbirds flew by both munchkins shouted and pointed ( like we needed help spotting them, they were so loud my ears were ringing).
While the Thunderbirds were flying we met up with some of our friends. We all have two kids or more and all are around the same age so the kids were excited to play with each other and run around crazy.
It was overall a great day. The event was free except for food and the weather was so nice. I enjoyed spending some quality time with our kids and then ending with a barbecue with all our friends.