Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Every year we take the kids to the pumpkin patch by our house. Here's the kicker those two kids could care less about picking pumpkins (which are over priced) and only want to play on the rides. This year was no different but like many things this year Alyvia is finally an active participant in every thing.

Alyvia was only interested in this huge blow up slide that they have to climb really high up and then they slide down super fast. She was all smiles and couldn't get enough of it.

Brock was super excited to go on the trampoline and jump really high. I was nervous but put on a brave face and snapped pictures like crazy. He did actually start to panic when the guy helping him had him jump really high up so after that they worked on some front and back flips and then he just let Brock jump on his own. The older he gets the more I get emotional I get because he really is growing up and venturing out to do new things like this trampoline thing.

While Brock was jumping on the trampoline this is what Alyvia did the entire time. Poor thing was so scared for her brother that she almost started crying. It was so sweet of her to be worried about him. They are both very protective of one another.

I wasn't going to add this picture as I don't find it attractive but here's me and the hubby enjoying ourselves.
Before we left the kids wanted to go on the big slide a few more times. They were seriously crazy on that thing. I swear no fear sometimes for them but me on the other hand I hold my breath with the stunts they do.

And then of course our outing wouldn't be complete with out a cute brother sister picture. This one is my absolute favorite, I think I have the cutest kids ever (I'm biased though!) And then the second picture was just as sweet.

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