Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 year anniversary

5 years ago James and I said "I do". Personally it feels like we have already been married for ever!! LOL It's really amazing what has happened in the last 5 years and how far we have come in life. We both have grown so much and I can honestly say that I am more in love with my husband now then I was when we married! He is absolutely the love of my life and I my everything. Together we have made two beautful children and a home of our own.

We can be very boring people either that or extremely cheap so our Anniversary night really wasn't all the exciting but neither us of cared. Kind of cheesy but as long as we were with eachother it didn't matter how we celebrated. So our night consisted of dinner at Caraba's which is one of our favorites and then a little bit of shopping and an early night at home. I know nothing fancy but it was still a nice night. The kids were with my mom all night so the house was peaceful and we actually had a bed to ourselves! Best night sleep in a long time. Now the sad part was my brain wasn't working so I don't have any pictures of that night so I figured I would post a couple wedding pictures.

James, Happy Anniversary Love. I love you so much and I look forward to all the years ahead of us. These last 5 years have been truly amazing and I can't believe how very blessed we are. Thank you for picking me and always standing by my side. Love you always!

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