Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Super Star

Brock came home last Friday from school with the best news ever. His teacher named him as the Super Star of the week! Its the same thing as student of the week but his teacher makes the following week very special. The Super Star gets to create a "me board" that he will present to his class, they also get to do show in tell everyday of the week, and the super star gets to sit at the super star desk which is in the front of the class.

We worked on his me board Sunday night and he brainstormed on what he was going to bring for show in tell. Monday morning came and what would you know, he was sick! Even his teacher called me later that morning to see if he was okay because he was looking forward to his super star week at school. Luckily he rested all day and made it to school on Tuesday.

I am so proud of him for being such a great student. I knew he was doing great in school but for him to be recognized was such a proud moment for me as a mom. I love this little boy more than anything and I just can't believe how much he is learning and excelling in school. This Super Star thing also really helped motivate him even more with school and doing his best and being his best. I love my super star!

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