Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ft. Huachuca Vacation part 3

So this is the last post about our mini vacation to Arizona. The third day we were visiting my brother we took all the kids to walmart to buy some toys from Grandma and Papa in Colorado. It was fun but the big kids (Arek and James) were having a little to much fun. They were picking out and playing with more toys then the little ones. It was great though because the kids got some neat toys and were all able to call them and say thank you. What was even cuter was how Grandma told me on the phone she could tell what each of the kids were saying. Props to grandma because half the time I have no clue what the two youngest say. LOL

Afterward we were off to the indoor swimming pool and park. The pool wasn't opening for about 30 minutes, so to kill time we all played at the park. And literally we all played. I got some great photos of everyone enjoying the spinning thing that made you beyond dizzy.

The pool was a blast except this time Aly did not want anything to do with the slides till the very end when it was time to go. Figures it would work out that way. James enjoyed himself as this was his first time there. He loved the wave pool and slides with Brock.

The next day was our departing day but we did manage to have a great time until it was time to go. There was this cute little park down the street from my brothers house that we all walked to. Well, everyone was on some type of scooter, bike, skate board, or jeep. I ended up having to sit with Aly in the jeep because she's terrible at steering. (Not that my track record is any better.) On the way back Kenzie drove Aly while Shelby rode her tiny little bike, but about half way Kenz ditched Aly for her bike again and Shelby and I had to help maneuver Lyv all the way back. That was a work out.

So we had a great time and can't wait to go back sometime in the summer if our schedules allow it. Thank you Brock Family for putting up with us and having us over!

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