I decided to make this vacation posts into 3 separate parts, that way no one gets bored reading and just exits. So, the same day we took all the kids to ride the horses my brother also drove us to Tucson, AZ so we could go to the zoo.

Now James and I have never taken the kids to any zoo before so this was also going to be a great trip that we couldn't wait to do. After finally getting the tickets and my brother and James parking in Timbuktu we made our way into the zoo and bee lined it to the giraffes. The weekend prior to our family visiting, my brother and his family actually went to the zoo then also. It was great because Shelby knew the best areas to go and one of the things was the giraffe. At a certain time of day for $2.00/person you can actually feed the giraffes so that was why we headed there first. Well, unfortunately there ended up being a small accident with my niece and a big ole tree and she needed medical attention. My niece Kenzie had tripped and fallen and my brother was trying to cheer her up, in the process of cheering her up he lifted her high to put her on his shoulders and out of no where this tree smashed her poor head. In the end Arek took her to the emergency room just to get it checked out while we all stayed behind. They did make it back just as we left the park and Kenzie ended up needing 1 staple in the noggin. She was brave and a real trooper!
So, while they where meeting the doctors and nurses in town Shelby and Titan were our tour guides through out the zoo. It was so neat to watch the kids see all the different animals. What amazed James and I was how Alyvia knew most of the animals. We knew Brock was familiar with all of the them but I had no clue Aly knew some of the ones she did. It was great and the kids had a blast. My personal favorite was of course the monkeys but that's an obvious one. Brock said his favorite was the alligator but it was still a baby and did absolutely nothing but he liked it, and Alyvia was in love with the giraffes, I think she could have stared at them all day long if we let her. Not sure about James but if I had to make a guess I would say the tiger. That tiger was really antsy and just couldn't stay still, he walked right next to the glass over and over.
So, while they where meeting the doctors and nurses in town Shelby and Titan were our tour guides through out the zoo. It was so neat to watch the kids see all the different animals. What amazed James and I was how Alyvia knew most of the animals. We knew Brock was familiar with all of the them but I had no clue Aly knew some of the ones she did. It was great and the kids had a blast. My personal favorite was of course the monkeys but that's an obvious one. Brock said his favorite was the alligator but it was still a baby and did absolutely nothing but he liked it, and Alyvia was in love with the giraffes, I think she could have stared at them all day long if we let her. Not sure about James but if I had to make a guess I would say the tiger. That tiger was really antsy and just couldn't stay still, he walked right next to the glass over and over.
That trip was amazing and now we can't wait till the kids are just a little bit older to do the San Diego Zoo. I just love watching the reactions through the kids eyes. They see things in such a different light and gets so excited over the littlest things. 

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