I love, love, love having people over at our house. Don't know why but it makes me feel happy. LOL I know weird but whatever. So my wonderful mom just celebrated her birthday. How old is she you ask? Let's just say 21! HAHA inside joke but I will explain in a minute.
So, to make mom's birthday special this year, we decorated our house and threw her a mini party. There was only a whopping 7 people but hey doesn't matter how many show up just as long as someone does. It was great though. We put up a Happy Birthday banner and decorated with balloons and a fancy tablecloth. I also made her a super pretty cake (Harley and Shelby this one turned out perfect!) and her favorite meal which is french dip. My personal favorite was the french dip that I got from my grandma. It was to die for and I swear I could have kept eating if it wasn't for the deserts.
As tradition everyone sang Happy Birthday to the birthday girl and she blew out her candles. Now here is the funny part. I forgot to buy candles which is typical but I wanted her to blow something out. I rummaged through the drawers and I found a number 2 and 1 candle. So this year mom only turned 21! It was hilarious but it would have been mean to put the actual number up, not that you are old or anything mom. ☺
Afterward we sat around and just chit chatted. Nana and Alyvia were throwing socks at each other and so Brock got involved. He decided to put them on his hands in which I convinced him to have Nay-nay kiss them! LOL It was funny but gross and I swear each and everyone of us were cracking up so hard.
Mom, I hope you had a fabulous Birthday and I love you so much!