Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Family Bowling

My brother and his family have this addiction to bowling. Well maybe its just him and everyone else just goes along with it! LOL But anyways about two weeks ago he mentioned going bowling with us and all the kids and my parents. We thought it sounded like a great idea. So James and I took all the kids to the park and finished decorating our tree while everyone else got dressed and ready.

Later on in the afternoon the six adults and 4 kiddos packed into the cars and headed out to the South Point for some good ole bowling. To say the least it was very interesting. Kenzie and Brock had bumpers so there ending point were in the 80's. Now James and I have not bowled in years. So the first game I beat Brock by maybe 5 points and James I think won by 15 at the most. It was hilarious. It was decided that the first game would be girls against boys and the second game would be couples. I think the boys won the first game and Arek and Shelby the second. James and I came in last every time and were definitely not into the competition thing seeming how terrible we were. LOL We need lots of practice!!

It was alot of fun and I haven't laughed that much in a long time!

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