My favorite holiday of the year is definitely Christmas. I just love the decorations, the baking, the gifts, and the excitement from the kids. We have a tradition like most family's that the day after Thanksgiving we put up our Christmas tree. I think if it was up to me our tree would stay up all year round! Anyways this year we put up our tree but we didn't decorate it until the day after. The kids were heading the naynay and papa's house so we put the decorating off for another day but that was ok because at least the tree was up.
The next James and I had all four kids, Brock, Alyvia, Kenzie, and Titan. We ended up letting the kiddos do most of the decorating on the tree and it turned out great. Now two weeks later the ornaments are disappearing because Alyvia enjoys taking them off and playing with them. But the house is coming together wonderfully and its beginning to look like Christmas.
Every year James puts the Christmas lights up on the house outside and every year he promises to put them on the second story. Well every year he doesn't follow through but this year I was not letting him get away without putting them up. I got my way as I knew I would because he loves me and he did a great job. Our wonderful neighbors had an extension ladder that we were borrowing but he ended up just climbing through the windows upstairs. Watching him was actually hilarious because he was just a little nervous but he got the job done! I am so proud and happy because there was no way I would have done it! Thanks Babe!

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