Wednesday, October 19, 2011

California here we come

James and I decided that this year for our 6 year anniversary we were going to get away for the weekend without the kids. We haven't been away from our kids since our honeymoon in May 2006, so this was way over due. My mom took all three kids for the weekend and we headed off to San Diego.

We were only in San Diego for two nights but we had a blast. The first night we arrived we didn't really do anything but head to our hotel. It took us a while to get their because we took our time driving and made a few stops. I couldn't believe how nice of a drive it was with no kids in the back saying "are we there yet?" The next morning we woke up extra early so we could go to our favorite breakfast place and then hit up the outdoor swap meet. This thing is huge and we were able to get a few gifts for the kids. Afterwards we headed to the boardwalk and then drove to the cliff that looks over the city. It was peaceful and just relaxing to walk around and window shop with just us. We almost forgot what life was like without our babies.

We ended the night in old town and ate at another one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. I loved walking around and going into all the shops wishing we were wealthy so I could buy everything LOL. We did though buy taffy to satisfy James sweet cravings.

Sunday was our last day in California and for our anniversary gift to each other we went to our very first NFL game. It was the chargers v. chiefs. James is of course a big Chiefs fan so to be able to watch our team play live was a neat experience. We took the trolley to the stadium, another first for us, and then spent the next 4 hours cheering on our team. We never realized how small those fields actually are .
Our team ended up losing but we still had a great time. So our mini vacation was a success and it made us realize that we need to try to get away for a weekend at least once a year. Who knows maybe we will make it a habit and go out of town for our anniversary every year! Happy 6 yer anniversary James!

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