Well, my recovery is actually going great so far. I am already up and about and feeling pretty normal. I'm sure by the end of the week I'll regret it and be back to taking it easy. Grant has already grown so much. When we left the hospital on Thursday he had lost 10% of his birth weight and was 5lbs 13oz, by his 1 week check up he was 6lbs 11oz and 19.5 inches! Apparently I'm doing something right with his feedings! He's a great sleeper during the day but at night its hit or miss on whether he will be up for a few hours straight or not. His usual time for being wide awake is between 2am and 5am. I don't mind it so much since I had such a hard time sleeping during the last few weeks of my pregnancy.
Brock and Alyvia are still doing great with Grant. They are always wanting to hold him, give him his pacifier even change him. They both wish I wasn't nursing because they can't help feed him. When ever Grant cries one of them will always come see whats wrong.
James has been nothing short of fabulous! He was able to get time off work and doesn't have to go back until August 1st. He has been so great with diaper duty in the middle of the night and taking Grant down stairs in the morning to let me get another hour of sleep. He's also been making sure Brock and Alyvia are entertained and not feeling left out of anything. I can't imagine not having him around and I'm already dreading him going back to work.
It's already been a week and it seems like if we let it time is just slipping past us. I really am hoping we can just sit back and enjoy these next twelve months because before we know it everyone is going to be a year older.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Happy "Birth" Day Grant
After almost 10 long months Grant Arek Morris FINALLY joined our family on Tuesday July 19, 2011. I had a scheduled c-section for 7:30 that morning. James and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. I was hooked up to monitors and then had to fill out lots of paperwork and answer a million questions. The nurse also hooked me up to an IV and that was probably the most painful thing out of my entire stay.
Even though we have been through this twice before I was a ball of nerves and even though James looked calm I'm sure he was too but then again he wasn't the one they were cutting open. My doctor finally arrived and I walked into the OR where I was given my spinal to numb me for the surgery. James was able to join me shortly after which calmed me down. I wasn't necessary scared but anxious and a little nervous. The surgery itself took only 45 minutes but Grant was born I believe within 25 minutes of starting. He was born at 8:29am weighing 6lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. When I was finally able to see him some 5 minutes later I couldn't believe he was finally here! He was then sent off to nursery with James and I was sewn back together.
I had to stay in recovery for about 2 hours and then they wheeled me to my room where Grant joined me about 30 minutes later. When he finally joined us I couldn't believe how tiny he was. It's been 3 years since we last had an infant so I kind of forgot how fragile looking they are. After that I examined him from head to toe counting all his tiny toes and fingers and then just snuggling with him. He is also so different from Aly and Brock. Both Aly and Brock had more of an olive tone skin color and both had dark hair ALL over their bodies. They were both our fur babies where Grant has really no hair on his head and a little bit of blonde fuzz on his cheeks and shoulders.
For about the first hour we spent time with the just the three of us. It was so nice to have mommy, daddy and baby bonding time. Then we called my mom who brought the kids down to the hospital. They were both in awe over their new baby brother and both couldn't wait to hold him. Eventually we called the rest of our families to come visit. Finally 48 hours later I was released from the hospital and got to come home. Now the adventure really begins!

Even though we have been through this twice before I was a ball of nerves and even though James looked calm I'm sure he was too but then again he wasn't the one they were cutting open. My doctor finally arrived and I walked into the OR where I was given my spinal to numb me for the surgery. James was able to join me shortly after which calmed me down. I wasn't necessary scared but anxious and a little nervous. The surgery itself took only 45 minutes but Grant was born I believe within 25 minutes of starting. He was born at 8:29am weighing 6lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. When I was finally able to see him some 5 minutes later I couldn't believe he was finally here! He was then sent off to nursery with James and I was sewn back together.
I had to stay in recovery for about 2 hours and then they wheeled me to my room where Grant joined me about 30 minutes later. When he finally joined us I couldn't believe how tiny he was. It's been 3 years since we last had an infant so I kind of forgot how fragile looking they are. After that I examined him from head to toe counting all his tiny toes and fingers and then just snuggling with him. He is also so different from Aly and Brock. Both Aly and Brock had more of an olive tone skin color and both had dark hair ALL over their bodies. They were both our fur babies where Grant has really no hair on his head and a little bit of blonde fuzz on his cheeks and shoulders.
For about the first hour we spent time with the just the three of us. It was so nice to have mommy, daddy and baby bonding time. Then we called my mom who brought the kids down to the hospital. They were both in awe over their new baby brother and both couldn't wait to hold him. Eventually we called the rest of our families to come visit. Finally 48 hours later I was released from the hospital and got to come home. Now the adventure really begins!
Monday, July 18, 2011
39 weeks

Today I'm officially 39 weeks! I have no shame in saying that I am very ready for this pregnancy to be over with. Thank goodness tomorrow we will be meeting our little boy!
This pregnancy has been such a blessing but not without its up and downs. Once we hit July and my final weeks I have been beyond exhausted and uncomfortable. This Vegas heat is just about unbearable for me and I can barely sleep at night due to my hourly bathroom calls! But with all the downs I have truly enjoyed watching my belly grow and feeling the baby kick like crazy. I try my hardest to not take this for granted because we are pretty positive this is our last baby (we'll see in 3 years).
Tomorrow morning we have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am to get prepped for my c-section so I will hopefully have time in the near future to write about that experience.
Close Call
I have always said Alyvia would be my wild child and get the most bumps and bruises. Well, yesterday at the pool she put some merit into that statement. The pool we go to has a tile fountain in the shallow end, Alyvia spends about 90% of her time here because the water is only a foot and a half deep. She is also notorious for looking behind her as she walks. Well, her and Brock were playing and she got excited and started to run while looking the other way and slipped and hit the corner of her eye on the fountain. Thank goodness James was with us because he immediately scooped her up and head to our towels. We flagged the life guard down who brought over the first aide kit. The cut looked pretty bad and James decided we needed to get her to the urgent care because it was so close to the eye and looked deep that stitches were going to be needed.
While James took care of some quick paperwork for the lifeguard (saying they weren't liable) I headed home to drop Brock off at the neighbors. He was all worried about his sister but playing with his friends and eating dinner with them took his mind off of everything! I headed back and picked up James and Alyvia and off to the doctors we went. By the time we got to the urgent care Aly was already acting like her silly self.
We went into triage and the nurse cleaned her up and put a huge bandage on her face to help with the blood flow and told James and I that she agrees with us that Aly would definitely need stitches. We headed back to the waiting room and where we both just sat in silence taking it all in. I know kids fall and get stitches all the time and that its very common but thinking about them stitching her up so close to her eye and having to put a needle into it to just numb the area made me beyond nauseous. I was literally feeling faint and sick.
We finally get called back and the doctor comes in. He was really nice and very gently with Aly as to not scare her. He looked over the area and then said he honestly didn't think she would need stitches!!! We were both beyond relieved. It was like a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. All he did because it was close to the eye was apply some steri strips to help keep the wound closed.
This was definitely a close call but I am so happy that she didn't need stitches after all. She will however we sporting a nice little shiner for a few days!

While James took care of some quick paperwork for the lifeguard (saying they weren't liable) I headed home to drop Brock off at the neighbors. He was all worried about his sister but playing with his friends and eating dinner with them took his mind off of everything! I headed back and picked up James and Alyvia and off to the doctors we went. By the time we got to the urgent care Aly was already acting like her silly self.
We went into triage and the nurse cleaned her up and put a huge bandage on her face to help with the blood flow and told James and I that she agrees with us that Aly would definitely need stitches. We headed back to the waiting room and where we both just sat in silence taking it all in. I know kids fall and get stitches all the time and that its very common but thinking about them stitching her up so close to her eye and having to put a needle into it to just numb the area made me beyond nauseous. I was literally feeling faint and sick.
We finally get called back and the doctor comes in. He was really nice and very gently with Aly as to not scare her. He looked over the area and then said he honestly didn't think she would need stitches!!! We were both beyond relieved. It was like a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. All he did because it was close to the eye was apply some steri strips to help keep the wound closed.
This was definitely a close call but I am so happy that she didn't need stitches after all. She will however we sporting a nice little shiner for a few days!

Cleaning helpers
These last few weeks every one in the house has really been putting more effort into keeping the house clean since I can't seem to stay motivated enough to stay on top of it my self. Brocks my simple minded child and just makes sure that he never makes a mess, that way according to him he never has to clean. Alyvia on the other hand doesn't know how to not make a mess. But she's been really good about cleaning her room each night. Her favorite part of this keeping her room clean is she seems to need to vacuum almost every day. Could be because she likes to tear paper apart and toss it everywhere. One morning she woke up in a panic because she "forgot" to clean her room before bed. She did a fast toss the toys in the corner gig and then ran to the closet to get the vacuum. She was all smiles when her task was completed!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Pictures can speak for themselves, but for the most part our 4th was pretty laid back. James and I thought about taking the kids to see the hotel fireworks but between our neighbors shooting off the illegals and all the ones we and our other neighbors bought we had our own show. Most of the littler kids had more fun playing with glow sticks then anything else anyways. The big boys are the ones who really liked playing with the fire lol. 
How to cool off
It's sometimes a little difficult to find things to do with the kids during these hot summer days. We usually go to the water park about 4x a week and then swimming 2x on the weekends. Sometimes though I am just utterly exhausted and don't have the energy to take them out of the house by myself. So we came up with a creative way to cool off with out having to leave or be cooped up in the house.
I let them jump on the trampoline while the hose was in it and they got soaked! It's not all that creative but its new for them and they absolutely loved it.
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