Happy 4th of July! James had to work so it was just me and my mom for fireworks with the kids. Next year I so hope he can get the time off because me and fireworks just don't mix. I like to stand back and watch and not light. My mom lit most of them for us thank goodness. LOL After we went to the park to watch fireworks that the Station Casinos did. And then to top off our wonderful night Brock got sick so him and I were up majority of the night. Yes, this is definitely a holiday for the memory box.
Me lighting some snakes
Brock playing with sparklers

We had a mishap and he burned the top of his foot

It wasn't that bad but we doctored him all up

My mom lighting some fireworks

He loved to pose and she wouldn't take her hands off her ears

This is what happens when you let Brock throw a smoke bomb

Alyvia's favorite were the snakes

She loved the ones that popped and string came out

Fireworks from the Red Rock Casino
Papa and Brock
Nay and Alyvia
Parking lot traffic was so fun!
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