Monday, July 26, 2010

Friends are amazing!

How true is my title? Every once in a while we are all blessed with schedules that are the same and can meet up for a friendly game of phase 10. This month Samantha and Mark invited everyone over to their house for a game night. By everyone I mean Alicia and Nick and their 2 kids, Sherry and Ryan and their 3 kids, and James and I with our 2 kids. So there were 8 adults and 9 kids! It was such a fun night given the amount of people there.

We played half of phase 10 and then switched to scategories. Samantha also performed one of her favorite dances for us to a Hannah Montana Song. Let's just say she's a little weird :). Most of the kids also joined in the fun and were all dancing around the room. The night was filled with a lot of laughter and great company. I am so grateful to have amazing friends even though we may not see each other as often as we would like, when given the opportunity to hang out it seems like we just pick up right where we left out. It's also extra special that everyone gets along including all the kids.

Thank you Sam and Mark for hosting game night! Can't wait to get together again.

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