Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lemons to lemonade!

Some times we all need to vent. This is my moment that I need to let out a little bit of steam. I don't like to ask why because I never get a good answer back or at least one that I actually like. The old saying goes "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." And that is what I am trying to do but at the same time I just want to throw my hands up in the air and yell out my frustrations. Since people will probably thinking I've lost my marbles I will refrain from doing just that. :)

Lately, life has just been tough! And I mean tough. About two weeks ago James noticed a stain on the ceiling of our garage. Well, after calling our builder and having someone come out to take a look, we find out that our upstairs bathroom (kids bathroom) toilet has been leaking. Apparently it was never set properly. OK, so it's under warranty and will be fixed and I should be happy, right? HA wrong, I am happy it won't be an out of pocket expense but it has seriously been a pain in my butt to not have that bathroom available. Thankfully it should be back to fully working order in another 2 to 3 days. In the time being I make the best of it and move on.

Now, yesterday as the kids and I were driving home from Walmart I thought my brakes went out. Talk about a scary moment and luckily I was only going about 15mph but still the feeling of you can't stop your car in terrifying! I was able to slow the truck down and pull over. Long story short my mother and brother in law were close by and were able to give us a lift home. Come to find out our master cylinder broke and could be a costly repair. Again we have a warranty and it will be covered. Thank goodness. Now the truck has been towed and in the process of being repaired. Again I am happy I won't have any out of pocket expense but still what a hindrance this is! Frustrated to say the least and I know I am entitled to it but still. So again we are making the best of it and moving on.

Now my last frustration will probably never go away. My dear daughter is going through a stage that I hope we will never have to re live! LOL She is in her terrible twos and to say the least there are moments when she is a little monster. Brock went through this at 4 but not as bad. I won't go into detail so I don't scare anyone who doesn't have kids from having them but some of the things she does I could easily pull my hair out. I am looking forward to the day she out grows this stage.

I actually do feel better writing this all down and can take a huge breath of relief. This is just life and some times its easy and sometimes it tough. So for now I am just going to continue to move and make the best of things!

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