Sunday, October 4, 2009

Welcome to our family :)

We have added a new member to our family. On Thursday September 24, 2009 James, the kids, and I headed on down to Lied Animal Shelter to scout out what type of dogs we could adopt. Now we did prepare the kids that it was a huge possibility that we may not be taking home a dog that day. Lied had over 150 dogs available for adoption and we walked from corridor to corridor taking a peek at everyone. I think we were there for about two hours just looking. James and I narrowed it down to 3 dogs that really caught our eye but in the end there was just one that picked us. Canon is a Shepherd Mix with we think boxer; he is about 5 months old so I gave him a birthday of April1, 2009. On his history it said he was found wandering the streets so he was very obviously a stray. Before we adopted him, one of the workers brought him out to us and he was just perfect with the kids, didn't bark one, didn't jump on them, was just real mellow, and then he came over to me and put his front paws on the shoulders and just rested his head on me like he was giving me a hug. I was completely sold and so was James. One thing that was truly rewarding is Lied is a kill shelter so we very well saved his life.
I do believe that he was once a pet to someone because he is potty trained and is crate trained. Canon is very spoiled with his new doggie bed, and his treats that the kids give him. I believe that this was the final touch for our family. Hope you like our pictures too!!

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