Saturday, October 3, 2009

Neighboorhood Fun

The one thing that we love the most about where we live is all the kids that are around here. Our next door neighbor has three boys ages 3,8, and 9. Our other neighbor that lives across the street three houses down has two little girls ages 15 months and 4 years old. There is also a ton of other kids that live on the other two streets in our neighborhood. So needless to stay we are never bored when out side. Talon (the 3 year old next door) has this powered Car that Alyvia just loves to ride in. She can't reach the pedal so if those two are getting along that day Talon will usually give her a ride. It is just precious. Here are also some random pictures of the kids from the past month. Also I have added a few pictures from when the kids and I went to the Exploration Park in Mountains Edge. It was one of the last days it was in the 100's here.

Brock absolutely loves to dress up in his many different costumes!

She always finds something to amuse herself with... who ever said kids need toys never had a box to play with :)

This is called the Green Machine that cousin Zarek has, Alyvia likes to imagine herself as a big girl!

Brother and Sister sitting together... this is rare they are both way to busy to sit down for very long.

This is the most common thing Alyvia does... she is constantly on the phone talking to whomever will listen.

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