Thursday, February 5, 2009

A year almost has passed!

Wow can you really believe it is actually February? Time flies by so past and it seriously depresses me some days. I look at the kids and I think to myself that it seems like yesterday they were just babies. Brock will be 4 years old in 3 months. My baby is gone and in his place is this intelligent handsome little boy. Now there is Alyvia and in 2 weeks she will be 1 years old. Already getting into the toddler stage. What the heck happened to my sweet little baby girl who depended on me 24/7?

So January was not all that busy for our household. My car was finally paid off and now James and I can start thinking about getting a second vehicle, probably just something to get him to and from work for now, but we'll shall see. We went to a superbowl party while Gina watched the kids and had there own party at our house. LOL Nothing like leaving your house to come back to 8 people at your house. Other then that it was just work, school, and weekends. How fun huh?

Brock and Alyvia are great as usual. Both kids got a nasty cold for a week and now are fighting another one. But other than that they are loving life. Alyvia is so close to walking it's scary. She has stood up by herself for over a minute now and has taken 2 steps before she sat back down. We are trying to incorporate the sippy cup but that is not going over well at the moment. She does eat 3 good meals a day with snacks in between so hopefully we can get the sippy cup down soon and take away her bottle. She loves milk so now she gets 6 ounces of milk a day until she turns 1 then we will see what the doctor says. Brock is Mr. know it all now. He is learning so much at school and loves to tell us about it everyday. We are going to probably sign him up for t-ball this season and also put both kids in swim lessons. So our spring schedule should be pretty hectic. He is still a great helper around the house and is getting better about not back talking and doing things the first time he is told. Where now we have Alyvia who is the most curious child I have ever seen. She gets into everything and loves to make a mess. She torments Brock and now can hold her own when they start to play wrestle.

James and I are wonderful. I came down with a cold last night so I feel not all put together today. Hopefully it will gone soon. We both still have a job so we count our blessings everyday for that. It's been tough not having a second car but it makes us appreciate what do have so much more. We are planning Alyvia's birthday party for the 21st of this month. I can definitely wait for that. LOL But it will be nice because Arek and his family will be in town for the event so it will make the day that much more special.

Hope everyone is doing great and we love and miss you all!!!!

The Morris Family


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