Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 2009

Well, it is official. I now have a little girl who is 1. Kind of sad but now we get to experience more new things!! We celebrated Alyvia's 1st birthday on Saturday the 21st. It was great and we had a nice turn out at our house. There were lots of kids and family and friends. Alyvia is now very spoiled with all her fun gifts and also has a complete new wardrobe... thank you everyone for that!!! LOL Clothes are so expensive!!! Brock was a huge help at the birthday party along with MaKenzie. They opened all Alyvia's presents for her and even held up some to show them off to the crowd. It was a great time and I am so proud of myself for not crying. I bawled my eyes out at Brock's 1st birthday but I held it together for Alyvia.

So the Brock Family came to visit everyone here in Las Vegas for about 10 days. It was so nice to see everyone as it's been over 6 months since we had seen Shelby and the kids and over 10 months since we had seen Arek. Brock and MaKenzie stole the show though when they got to see each other for the first time. It was absolutely adorable. We kept the kids hidden from each other and then let them run, and boy did they run. They ran right for each other and almost past each other and then Kenzie through her arms around Brock and wasn't about to let go. I think Brock was more in shock then anything. But it was great, I think a lot of people got emotional because these two are best friends and haven't seen each other in so long. They have been waiting for this trip forever it seems like.

So anyways, while everyone was here we took the kids up to the mountains and we all went sledding. It was fun but exhausting! There was easily 2feet of fresh powder that we had to walk through to get to the hills to sled on. Brock hasn't seen that much snow in over a year and he was literally rolling around in it. He had a blast, Alyvia actually wasn't to bad in it. She was very curious and then just sat on a sled that was against a tree and rested back to back with Titan and just watched us all play. Shelby and I had a nice experience helping the kids go potty if you know what I mean!!! LOL Fun...We then went to another hill site and took turns sledding down a steep hill that was super scary but fun. It was an all around great day.

On the day of Alyvia's birthday party we did our annual family pictures, which I will post the link at the bottom.

Before the Brock's came into town, my dad also stopped in for 4 days and stayed with us. It was great especially because he hasn't met miss Alyvia yet and hasn't seen Brock since he was like 2. The kids absolutely loved him and were both very attached to him. It was nice except I was very sick almost the entire time but that's OK he had bonding time with the munchkins.

So that about raps up our month for February. Things are back to normal and should be for a while. Brock's birthday is in 8 1/2 weeks and he will be 4 years old. Gosh he is getting old!!! Hope all is well with everyone and we send out love~

Love always,
The Morris Family

Family Portraits
Alyvia's 1st Birthday
Most Recent Pictures

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