Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy 21st Bday little brother!

Happy Birthday Arek. My little brother turned 21 a couple weeks ago and we were lucky enough to have him visit and celebrate with him. Its amazing how fast the years are going by and how we are all getting older.

Part of my brothers birthday present was a motorcycle that he and his wife bought. The boys just had to go on a ride!
We celebrated at my moms house with a bunch of family. It was nice having everyone together again for the night.
My sister in law bought a cake for him and also included our grandpas name since his birthday was 3 days after Areks. Happy birthday Grandpa Mike!
Some of the cousins playing inside while all the adults were outside.
My handsome nephew Titan. All I have to do is say smile and he just gives me the best grin, oh how I love this little boy.
By the end of the night the girls (Kenzie and Aly) passed out on my moms recliner. Alyvia is so in love with her big cousin Kenzie!

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