Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No more training wheels!

This past weekend was so special to James and me. First off James didn't have school last weekend so when his three days off work came he actually got to stay home and be with us. Then on Sunday it was slow at work so he pulled a half day and took an early off at 11am and came home. So it was almost like we had him for four straight days. So on Sunday we didn't have any plans so I mentioned to James we should try and teach Brock how to ride without training wheels. He loved the idea so I took off Brock's training wheels and outside we all went.

I will tell you this it was extremely frustrating to watch, but after about an hour he started to get the hang of it. We decided to take a break and headed out to run some errands. When we got home all of Brock's friends were outside so of course he just had to show off what he learned. I ran down the street for a minute and by the time I got back Brock was riding all the way up the street with James tailing behind. It was so exciting and a little sad at the same time. I was almost in shock that my 4 year was riding his bike like all the other kids in the neighborhood. All he needed to learn was how to kick start on his own and turn.

Well, I should have realized that Brock was just like his mom and dad. Two days later Brock was back on his bike and what do you know, he can ride up and down the street on his own. Out of no where he was riding and just barely turned his handle bars and when he didn't fall he got braver and just started riding up the street and turning around and coming right back down. Now the only thing we are working at is getting him to kick start but we are thinking he is just a little to short that's why he is having trouble.

We are so proud of him and I am so grateful that both James and I were able to watch him and experience this together.

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