Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29th, 2009

So I have now been at home with the kids just over three weeks and I absolutely love it! We stay busy that by the end of the day we all just want to crash. The kids and I love going to the park which has a water area, Brock absolutely loves it and Alyvia is iffy. Some days she will play in the water and others she cries and sits in mommies lap. Brock learned how to spell his first name out loud so now he is working on his last name too. It's a blast, I really enjoy just being with them all the time. I think James' is now spoiled because I have been getting new recipes daily so almost every night we have a new meal that is oh so good, and it's amazing now I am able to actually keep up with all the housework and laundry. Geez I think I am actually more spoiled then anyone.

Brock only has three games left of the season and we are getting excited. It's been a long and exhausting and really fun experience playing t-ball. We aren't sure if he wants to continue in this sport or not so we will see when it comes time to sign up for fall. Brock also finally just had his 4 year check up. He should have went four weeks ago but he kept on catching strep throat. He is a very healthy little boy. He is 41 1/2 inches tall and 40lbs. He is in the 50-60% for his height and the 75% for his weight. He also got three shots this time and he is finished with all shots until he turns eleven. I think my jaw dropped when the doctor told me that because then he goes on to say that these shots set him all up for kindergarten next year too. Then to really make me realize that my little boy isn't little anymore we had to take his harness off his car seat, so he is now in a high back booster using the seat belt. The rail on his bed has also come down as he doesn't need it anymore either. It just chokes me up how he is really growing up and it seems like it all just happens at once. He is still a little bit of a clean freak because he likes his room clean and everything has to be in a certain spot. He is getting into the hang of things when it comes to his dishes, he is responsible for rinsing his dishes and putting them into the dishwashers after every meal.

Alyvia also had her 15 month check up. She is 31 1/2 inches and 27.2lbs which puts her in the 50% for height and 75-90% for weight. She got two shots today and only has 1 more shot left on her next appointment then she won't have anymore until she turns 4. She now has a whole list of words she can say her newest one being "puppy". Brock is still her best friend and she has to be around him at all times. She is just like a shadow but luckily they both still get along great. Brock taught Alyvia how to clean up and climb onto the couches and beds. She is definitely hitting her terrible twos already with the getting onto things she isn't supposed to and the tantrums. It amazes me how complete opposite she is then when Brock was at that age.

So the kids are doing great and staying active! James and I are the same. He is still loving his job and bringing home the bacon. lol It's been so wonderful how supportive he is and he always has the best attitude about everything. We are also turning into an old married couple. We usually at least once a week have the neighbors over and play different games. Last night we played domino's and then James and I learned how to play spades and are now addictive. We learned also how to play phase 10 ,which if you don't know what it is go to a target and pick up a set of phase 10 playing cards, the game lasts for hours and is a blast! My mom and chad even walked all over Seattle looking for the cards to play with their friends on their cruise. So we are staying busy and making new friends. We hope everyone is doing great! Miss and love you all!!

The Morris Family xoxoxox

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