Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another Morris Wedding

Well, we had another wedding in the family last weekend. James' dad Randy married his fiance Theresa last Saturday at the Grove in the northwest part of the valley. It was a very beautiful ceremony and intimate with only their very close family and friends in attendance. James was the best man and he looked stunning! Once the ceremony was over with we all waited around for some pictures and then headed to a Mexican Restaurant for the reception.

At the reception James and I were introduced to his new step sister and her family. They have two little girls around Brock's age whom Aly of course made friends with right away. We also got to meet a cousin of James' that he hasn't seen in over 20 years. Nana was also there as was Auntie Fi. I'm a sucker for weddings as I'm sure a lot of women are, but you can't help but think back on your own wedding! Congratulations Randy and Theresa may you both have a very happy marriage. And James.... I love you!

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