Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter / Game Schedule

Hope everyone had a great Easter. I know we really did. The night before the kids got to dye Easter eggs. Well, Brock was able to dye them and Alyvia ended up watching. She just wanted to play with the colorful water. It was so much fun and he really enjoyed it. The next day the kids woke to their Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left for them. James had to work but he had a nice surprise on his bike, the Easter Bunny brought him a basket too!! He thought he was pretty special. Brock was so excited about the baskets and helped Aly take everything out of hers and show her what they all were. We then got to do an Easter egg hunt with our neighbors. Alyvia found her first egg and it was pink and then she didn't care anymore about the hunt. She had her egg and that was all that mattered. So she hung out in the backyard with Nana while Brock finished his hunting. He found 32 eggs and made out with a lot of candy (which oddly disappeared LOL) and two dollars. I think that was the highlight of his day. He is best friends with the kids next door so all the kids got to look for the eggs in our backyard and front yard, our next door neighbors front and backyard and our neighbor across the streets front and backyard. We had mom and chad and Nana over for Brunch and then we finished the day at James' Nana's house where Brock and Alyvia got to play with their cousins and we took a huge family picture with all of James cousins and great aunt and uncle.

Brock's first game is this weekend so we are getting prepped for that. He is so excited about it so I can't wait to see how he does. Alyvia is learning new things everyday. She loves to make wonderful spit bubbles that Brock taught her and her new word is "Thank You". Its so cute. She popped another molar in last night so we have a total of 10 teeth. Now all we need is for her to grow some hair! Sometimes I feel like she will be bald forever. She is also learning how to brush her teeth on her own because she sees Brock doing it, so her independent streak is getting worse. Whatever Brock can do, she thinks she can do it too.

Here is Brock's t-ball schedule if anyone would like to come and watch.
4/18/09 - 10AM
5/2/09 - 9AM
5/9/09 - 8AM
5/16/09 - 9AM
5/30/09 - 10AM
6/6/09 - 8AM
6/13/09 - 9AM
All games will be at 1010 Sandy Ridge Ave., Henderson, NV 89052

Love to all,
The Morris Family

Easter Pictures
Videos (some of Alyvia walking)

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